...The makeup girl next door

The thing I like most about having most of my Mondays 'off ' is being able to sit and tinker with my Mac. No, not MAC Cosmetics, (that happens usually Tuesday through Saturday), but I mean this big beast of beautiful  computer I have in my office area that only gets about 10% of its' capabilities used until.. I pull up a chair, a ton of coffee, and start Facebooking about all my weeks' worth of work, networking with clients and vendors, answering emails, updating my website, and NOW, apparently, BLOGGING! I know, I'm late. But it's better late than never... unless you're talking about a call time.

 Hi! I'm Christi.

I like to refer to myself as a beauty makeup artist. A foundation aficionado on the hunt for the perfect eyebrow, I adore all things makeup, and makeup and beauty related. Considering that I am a former MAC girl with a sort of Bobbi Brown philosophy, I aim to be 'the makeup girl next door',  I guess you could say.

I do most of my work in my studio in Sacramento, in hotel rooms and venues all over Northern California, and I travel a lot to San Francisco.

Yes, that's me, the pack mule in heels lugging a giant metal box of makeup and tools, a canvas bag of more makeup and tools, a duffel bag of...you get it...down streets, in elevators, parking garages...

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Because all that lugging and huffing and puffing means I am on my way to do my favorite thing, and that is work- And anyone who knows me knows how much I love what I do.

Welcome to my blog. I hope it entertains you, inspires you, and makes you laugh and want to put on makeup. Or better yet, have me do it for you!


P.S...You can visit my website by clicking here on my name!



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