Bridal Makeup | Sacramento Wedding | Aaron Morris Photography

Sacramento, California

I had done Jessica's makeup for a couple of weddings and special occasions over the years... 

Makeup by Christi Reynolds
Photographed by Aaron Morris for Ben Chrisman Photography.
..."My friend told me that you are the best, and I need to look amazing for this party..."

..."You did such a great job on my makeup last year, and I have this event I need to  go to..."

..."I'm going to my friend's wedding..will you do my makeup??"

So, naturally, I was thrilled the day she called me up to say...

"He asked me to marry him..and I said yes!!! You have to do my makeup!"

Nothing makes me happier as a makeup artist than when I get to do makeup for my regular clients through the years of their most special occasions.

 But nothing tops doing it for the most special and important day of her life.

My dear friend Jessica, as beautifully photographed by
Aaron Morris for Ben Chrisman Photography.
Makeup by Christi Reynolds Makeup Artistry

Please enjoy.

Makeup by Christi Reynolds
Photographed by Aaron Morris for Ben Chrisman Photography. 

Makeup by Christi Reynolds
Photographed by Aaron Morris for Ben Chrisman Photography. 
Makeup by Christi Reynolds
Photographed by Aaron Morris for Ben Chrisman Photography. 

Makeup by Christi Reynolds
Photographed by Aaron Morris for Ben Chrisman Photography. 
